Mouthguards in Fort Lee, NJ

It is imperative to wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports, no matter your age. Professional athletes who don’t wear them often learn their benefits when injured during a game; just ask players who had teeth knocked out while playing. Along with protecting your teeth, mouthguards can also prevent concussions in football, rugby, and other full-contact sports.

How to Tell if a Mouthguard Fits

For it to be effective, a mouthguard needs to fit properly. As it usually covers only the top teeth, the guard should fit snuggly against them without needing to clench or bite them. If you clench your jaw or bite down on it to keep it in your mouth, then the mouthguard doesn’t fit correctly.

Instead of buying one size fits all mouthguards, a customized one is the better option. Store-bought mouthguards will not fit correctly, so they can interfere with breathing and talking. To get a custom mouthguard in Fort Lee, NJ, visit one of our dentists at So Good Dental.

He or she will examine your mouth, then take an impression of your teeth to ensure the mouthguard’s fit. When it comes back from the laboratory, the dentist will put the mouthguard in your mouth to examine the fit and adjust it if necessary. The soft plastic material will snuggly conform to your top teeth to shield them from injury.

When to Replace Mouthguards

Although they are the preferred option for mouthguards, custom models don’t last forever. Depending on how often you play, they can last up to five years if taken care of properly. To take care of them, follow these instructions:

  • Rinse your mouthguard with cold water before and after every use.
  • Clean it with cool water and mild soap, then rinse it thoroughly. Afterward, allow it to air dry.
  • Keep and transport it in your bag within a hard, perforated container. The perforations allow air to circulate through the container to keep the mouthguard from sustaining damage. If the mouthguard is acrylic, it should be kept in cool, clean water.
  • High temperatures can affect the shape of the mouthguard, so protect it from the sun and other hot areas.
  • Take your mouthguard to your dental appointments so that your dentist at So Good Dental can examine it.

With proper care, custom mouthguards will last for several seasons.

Visit our orthodontist in Fort Lee, NJ, for teeth straightening solutions, including Invisalign.